Burnt out!

And in desperate need for a tea.

I have been feeling burnt out lately, I don’t know why. Let me tell you the full extent of it, I feel like any work I do is not good enough or worthy enough. Like no matter what I end up doing, I am just constantly tried. Tired of life. Tired of working.


No matter how much I try to deny this, I have to admit to myself that my lifestyle has been a constant problem to this. Majorly now that I feel tired af. I have close to zero physical activity.

You know what I feel like, I feel like one of those people from wall-e on their chairs. Wall-e still has to be one of the most amazing movies/sociological stories I have ever come across.

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Me right now

How do you un-burnt yourself. How do you recover.

Mental Peace.

Let’s be honest, all of this is stemming from my insecurity about not being good enough. So I fall into this self destructive cycle of not doing anything. I make plans which I can’t achieve and fall deeper into this cycle. This self destructive, self sabotaging cycle.

Clichés are good.

The answer is mediation. At least that seems to be a good place to start and not go crazy. I will be using headspace which again, starts like a good place to start.


I need a person to keep me accountable for all the experiments I am going to try from this point onwards. I know just the person.

I will set calendar events and send that person the invites. That sounds like enough to keep me accountable.


My eating habits are closely related to my spending habits. Thus, I put a ban on all postpaid. i.e no ola postpaid or lazy pay. This should be enough to constrain my erratic eating habits. I will spend money on food and mostly all the stuff I buy. Also, gotta use my bike to travel if I want to save.

Getting out of this room.

This is crucial.

This room makes me want to die. It’s sad and gloomy and lately, it’s literally making me sick.

I can’t do anything but sleep whenever I am here, so yes, getting out of this room!

Any other suggestions on how I can proceed?

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